The Ultimate Good Wiki

Once I give you life, you'll never be able to stop until you free everyone who's waiting to be freed. Can you do this for us? I need you to promise that you'll save everyone. Please. Make the world brand new.
~ The Real Fredbear making Jack promise to save everyone.

The Real Fredbear or just Fredbear is one of the overarching protagonists of the satirical series of games Dayshift at Freddy's.

He is a banevolent, godlike being who seeks to bring the missing children their happiest day, with him doing this by ressurrecting Jack Kennedy as a soulless, walking corpse, who he brought back under the promise that he would use his newfound life to bring the victims of Dr. Henry Miller to peace. Depending on the route you choose to take in the game, he either succeeds in this goal, or fails.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • Unlike many of the characters within the Dayshift at Freddy's, who generally have grey morality and are often time villains, Fredbear is completely benevolent, with him being one of the most consistently good characters as well as lacking any real corrupting traits, allowing him to stand out as one of the most noble characters in the series.
  • He is easily one of the most admirable characters in the series, with him being the sole cause of Jack Kennedy's ressurection, as well as being the reason Jack decided to go through with saving the missing children, as well as the other victims of the villainous Dr, Henry Milller. He also plays a direct role in helping give the missing children receive their happiest day in both the first and second installments of the series.
  • He's one of the most influential characters in the series, with him resurrecting Jack Kennedy and having him promise to give the missing children their happiest day, making him responsible for the main plot of the series, due to him being the whole reason Jack kept returning to Freddy's.
  • He is shown to be one of the most powerful entities in the series. Being a godlike being who is capable of bringing people back to life, as well as being nearly impossible to truly kill, with even characters such as Dee Kennedy, pailing in comparison to Fredbear's overall power.


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           FiveNightsAtFreddy's The Ultimate Goods

The Puppet

Novel Trilogy: Michael Brooks
Fazbear Frights: Jake

Mike and Abby Schmidt

Fazbear Fanverse
POPGOES: Popgoes the Weasel

Dayshift at Freddy's: The Real Fredbear
