The Ultimate Good Wiki

Bravo. You are every bit the hero I hoped you would be. My people thoght the same of me. They looked to me for hope and inspiration. I...wasn't enough. You freed my dearest friends from their Titan shells, and for that you have my deepest thanks. I, however, was lost. What you see now is the memory of me before we flew into battle. I always wondered how things ended. Now I know. Take my blessing, and with it, my thanks and my hopes. You are this world's hero now.
~ Crane congratulating Sonic, and deeming him his successor.

Crane is one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Master King) of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, serving as the overarching protagonist of Sonic Frontiers, as well as its DLC, The Final Horizon.

He was the pilot of the Supreme Titan who, in his ambitions to protect his race and the world, volunteers in trying to contain The End. While he succeeded in this endeavor, trapping The End in Cyber Space as a result, this had cost him his life.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • He is easily one of the most influential heroes in the entire Sonic Series, with him being the one to seal away The End for eons, stopping it from destroying Sonic's world and thus, being the reason the series exists today as had it not been for him, The End would've wiped out the planet far before Sonic could've done anything to stop it.
  • Despite his short screen time, he still proves to be one of the most admirable characters in the entire series, with him sacrificing himself to seal away The End, stopping it from destroying Sonic's world as well as presumably many others and even the universe itself. Said admirability is only pushed further in the Final Horizon DLC, where he gives Sonic his blessings to stop The End from destroying the world for a second time.
  • He could be considered one of the more powerful characters in the cast, as he piloted the Supreme Mech, a machine which is shown to be able to go toe-to-toe with Super Sonic and was even powerful enough to seal away The End, so despite not having much power of his own, Supreme bumps him up to being one of the most powerful characters in the franchise.
  • He is easily one of the most noble characters that this series has seen, with him being willing to sacrifice his own life in order to save his people, lacks any real corrupting qualities, and even gave Sonic his blessing to protect the world going forward as well as defeating The End.


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  • Coincidentally enough, Crane shares a lot of similarities with Sonic the Hedgehog, who serves as the other The Ultimate Good of the franchise. With them both being role models who were looked up to by their people, with characters like Master King even commenting on their similarities, this makes it incredibly ironic that the both of them qualify for the role.


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo The Ultimate Goods

Mainline: Sonic the Hedgehog | Crane
Sonic Boom: Sonic the Hedgehog

TV Shows
Sonic Boom: Sonic the Hedgehog

Comic Books
IDW Comics: Sonic the Hedgehog

Super Mario Bros. Z (2006): Mario | Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls: Remake: Brunette | Bessy
