The Ultimate Good Wiki
You're too slow!
~ Sonic's taunting in Super Smash Bros. and against Zombot Shadow
You haven't figured it out yet? I'm the Saiyan who came all the way from Earth for the sole purpose of beating you. I am the warrior you've heard of in legends, pure of heart and awakened by fury, that's what I am. I AM THE SUPER SAIYAN!!! SON GOKU!!!
~ Goku's speech to Frieza after awakening Super Saiyan.

TUG's that are Near Pure Good. These types are almost completely good but manage to have just one or a few minor corrupting qualities (e.g. Sonic The Hedgehog, Goku, Megamind, Sans, Harry Potter, Stanford Pines, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Powerpuff Girls), and/or possess other mitigating factors (Lucinia Porter and Primus).

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