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Starting today, you are Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! This is your brand-new Hero Suit! It'll help you fight the Octarians. What a great fit! (For a hand-me-down from Agents 1 and 2...) Now let's go get those Octojerks! I'm countin' on you, bucko!
~ Cap'n Cuttlefish recruiting Agent 3.

Agent 3, later known as the Captain, is the main protagonist of the Splatoon franchise. They are an Inkling who happened to stumble upon Cap'n Cuttlefish's base in Octo Valley. They were recruited as an agent of the New Squidbeak Splatoon and helped him infiltrate the valley and rescue the Great Zapfish from the Octarians. They would later become the New Squidbeak Splatoon's captain after Cap'n Cuttlefish retired.

Like the rest of the Inklings, they are voiced by Yuki Tsuji.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • They are one of the franchise's most influential characters, appearing in almost every installment and taking Cap'n Cuttlefish's role as the leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
  • They are one of the franchise's most admirable characters, being the one to directly defeat DJ Octavio in the first game, saving Cap' Cuttlefish and Agent 8 from Commander Tartar (which then allows Agent 8 to defeat Tartar and prevent its genocidal plans) and helping New Agent 3 to reach Mr. Grizz's rocket.
  • They are one of the franchise's most powerful characters, being an incredibly skilled fighter.


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External Links[]
